This research area includes three activities: studying the biographies of certain Spanish men (some well-known, others less so) who played a significant role in the establishment of networks between Europe and America in the cultural, confessional, economic and financial spheres; analysing the influence of the European integration model on similar processes which have taken and are still taking place in the Southern Cone (MERCOSUR and the Pacific Alliance), with a special emphasis on human rights, international cooperation and market integration processes, as well as on the role played by Spain; analysing the influence of the European integration model in Central America (SICA), with a special emphasis on human rights and on political and economic cooperation, as well as on the role played by Spain.

Spaniards and Europeanism in transatlantic networks (1920-1970)

The lives and ideologies of prominent Spanish men such as Salvador de Madariaga (Galicia), Enric Adroher Pascual “Gironella” (Catalonia), Francisco de Luis (Asturias), Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez (Madrid) or Manuel Varela Parache (Madrid) were significantly related to both Europe and America and offer relevant data about the creation of transatlantic networks and the influence of liberalism, socialism and Christian democracy on the European integration process.


José Ramón Rodríguez Lago


  • Valladolid: Heidi Senante Berendes, Salvador Forner Muñoz
  • Vigo: José Ramón Rodríguez Lago, Sara González Fernández, Juan Mascareñas Pérez de Íñigo y Santiago de Navascués Martínez

Results of research

Spain, Europe and Ibero-American integration: MERCOSUR AND THE PACIFIC ALLIANCE

The aim is to examine cooperation relations between Europe and Ibero-America (in this case, with MERCOSUR and the Pacific Alliance), highlighting the influence of the European integration process and its effect on international relations, human rights, territorial cooperation and market integration.


Guillermo A. Pérez Sánchez


  • Valladolid: Ricardo Martín de la Guardia, Sara Núñez de Prado, Salvador Forner, Mauricio Rubilar Luengo y David Ramiro Troitiño
  • Vigo: Luis Domínguez Castro, Sara González Fernández y Juan Mascareñas Pérez de Íñigo

Results of research

Spain, Europe and Ibero-American integration: THE CENTRAL AMERICAN INTEGRATION SYSTEM (SICA)

The aim is to examine cooperation relations between Europe and Ibero-America (in this case, with the Central American Integration System, SICA), highlighting the influence of the European integration process and its effect on international relations, human rights, territorial cooperation and market integration.


Guillermo A. Pérez Sánchez


  • Valladolid: Ricardo Martín de la Guardia, Sara Núñez de Prado, Salvador Forner, Mauricio Rubilar Luengo y David Ramiro Troitiño
  • Vigo: Luis Domínguez Castro, Sara González Fernández y Juan Mascareñas Pérez de Íñigo

Results of research